Securities Monitoring Service
The Securities Monitoring Service begins with the acquisition by the Advisor of the data relating to the ongoing activities between the Clients and the financial intermediaries they have been using and the subsequent assessment of the current financial investments. The Advisor collects from the intermediaries, duly authorized by the Client, documentation of all transactions occurring during the period in which the service is provided and of all operations generating economic variations in the bank account (payments, withdrawals, charged expenses, taxes etc). Data are processed on a platform that is totally independent from those used by the intermediaries and consolidated, even in the case of multiple intermediaries, in a single summary document. In order to guarantee privacy, the Client's financial situation analysis system does not contain any reference to the identity of the account holder. The Advisor measures whether the investments made are aligned to the Client’s actual goals, points out any risks, and verifies the accuracy of fees charged by the intermediaries. The Advisor therefore assesses whether the overall Client’s portfolio is appropriate for his/her personal, family, work situation, age and his/her very risk tolerance. During regularly scheduled meetings, normally held every three months at the HCinque offices, the Client receives a report of the activities carried out during the last period together with the analysis of the portfolio. In the event the Advisor perceives particular risk elements or anomalies, he/she will call for an extraordinary meeting or otherwise promptly inform the Client.
Real Estate Monitoring Service
The Real Estate Property Monitoring Service includes the initial collection of the cadastral data regarding each property. After that, a hired professional will do an assessment of the property to define its state of preservation and determine its value in terms of market price and rentability. The Advisor also collects all documentation relating to any ongoing mortgages or other financing and lease agreements. Upon completion of the property’s assessment, the Advisor provides the Client with a summary document showing the income situation generated by the property compared to the one obtainable under the current market conditions and the different possibilities to optimize the income generated, taking into account all tax related aspects. In the case of properties linked to debt situations such as mortgages or loans, the Advisor analyzes the formulas that can be exploited to restructure such fundings according to the Client’s objectives. Once all the characteristics (value, profitability, taxation and costs) have been ascertained, the property is then included in the portfolio analysis and monitoring system forming part of the Client’s wealth and also considered in the next selection process of new investment instruments. Clearly, the construction of a portfolio based exclusively on financial products will differ from the one of the investor who also relies on real estate, source of income and potential capital gain. In addition, the Advisor verifies that lease payments are timely and correct and registers them in the summary portfolio analysis and evaluation document.